Bring Your Gifts To The World
That is one of the things that I love to do with people Is empowering someone to know that they know more than they have ever acknowledged, more than anyone ever told them was right or wrong and know what is real and true for them and to get out of every so called ‘mess or problem’ have created.
Fill out the form below to stay connected on upcoming training dates and details.

Access Bars Training
In a loving and safe environment, you can take another step towards your own healing journey. With an open heart and mind, I will teach you this simple and powerful hands-on process that can be used to release thoughts, ideas, and 'stuck' emotions in many areas of your life.
Some people are drawn to take a Bars Class for fun or curiosity, while others have a strong desire to help themselves or those they love. Either way, the possibility for great change is the same.
By the end of this one-day class, you will be a Certified Access Bars Practitioner and have the option of charging for sessions as you share your new tools with others.
During the class, you will receive 2 treatments and give 2 treatments – "how does it get any better than that?".
• First Class: 450.00
• Youth (age 15-17): $225.00
• Kids (15 and under): FREE
• Repeat Students: $225.00

Access Energetic Facelift Training
Imagine learning how to offer non-invasive, in-expensive facelifts. In this one–day class, you will learn how to reduce lines, wrinkles and the effects of aging using the Access Energetic Facelift. This technique uses multiple energetic frequencies to heal the body and skin, reverse the effects of aging, release traumas, activate cellular memory and remove any limiting judgments you have held consciously or subconsciously in regards to anything to do with 'aging'.
In this class you will give and receive 2 facelifts… and the added bonus is your body receives all kinds of healing at the same time. It is a truly relaxing and rejuvenating experience.
In addition to hands-on training, you will watch a video on how this procedure works and receive a printed manual to take home for future reference.
After just one day you are able to offer and charge for this service to others.
• Class Fee is $570.00
• Youth (age 15-17): $285.00
• Repeat Students: $285.00
• Kids (15 and under): FREE

Body Process Classes
There are over 50 different energetic body processes within the Access Body Class. Each one has a unique energy to it and provides possibility for change and healing for something different.
These processes are for anyone that is looking to add to their practice they use already or can easily be used on their own.
There are a multitutde of various introductory classes to unlock those areas where you are sticking yourself in regards to money, relationship, business, bodies, aging and most of all, simply BEING YOU.
Each class is super unique and invites you to unlock those places & spaces that are keeping you from living the life you truly desire.
Classes are typically 2 1/2 - 3 hours long and start at $95.